Installation of Monitor BI Server


You need to have Monitor ERP version 24.5 or higher installed.

1. Copy the installation file called MONITOR BI Server Setup.exe. You can find the file in the folder for the server installation file MONITOR Server. Also copy the license file MONITOR Certificate - [your system name].rsa for your Monitor ERP system, to a folder on the computer which should be the BI server.

2. To run Monitor BI, the computer must have Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime 8.0.3 (x64) or later and Microsoft ASP.NET Core 8.0.3 (x64) – Shared Framework or later. Both are required and need to be the same version.

Please note! Remember to check whether the standard port 443 and 80 is available and that it is not already being used by another service. If the standard port is already being used, choose another port that isn’t being used.

Choice of installation

Monitor BI Server can either be installed on the application server (the Monitor server) or on a separate computer in DMZ. Follow the guide Installation on application server if Monitor BI will only be used locally in the network. Follow the guide Installation on separate computer in DMZ if Monitor BI should be used outside of the network in DMZ.

Installation on application server (the Monitor server)

1. Start the installation of Monitor BI Server with the file MONITOR BI Server Setup.exe.

2. If the window User Account Control is shown, you should allow the installation to make changes on the computer. Click Yes in that window.

3. In the window called Monitor BI Server Installation which is shown, click Next to start the installation.

4. In the next step you should click the browse button ... and select the license file MONITOR Certificate - [your system name].rsa. Click on Open after you have selected the license file and then click Next.

5. In the next step, you select which Monitor server the BI server should use. It is recommended to use the default setting Find the Monitor server automatically. Then click Next.

6. In the next step you select in which path to install the BI server. It is recommended to install it in the default path. Click Next.

7. In the next step you enter which port Monitor BI should use to listen for inbound traffic from BI clients. Port 443 is set by default. This is the standard port for https (that is, encrypted traffic via SSL).

a. Deactivate the Use https setting, since this is normally not needed when BI clients should only be used locally in the network. In doing so, the port is automatically changed to 80, which is the standard port for http (that is, unencrypted traffic).

b. Enter Username, Password, and Confirm password, for the domain administrator account in Windows which will run the BI service. You can use the same account that runs the service for the application server (the Monitor server). Then click Next.

8. In this step you enter which port should be used for the Monitor BI updating service, which is also installed in this installation. The updating service is used to keep Monitor BI updated. Port 8007 is set by default. It is recommended you use the default port.

9. In the next step you select which database engine to use for Monitor BI.

a. SQLite – This option requires no external installation of a database engine.

b. PostgreSQL – This option requires external installation of PostgreSQL version 16 or higher and creation of a database and account before proceeding with the installation.

c. Microsoft SQL Server – This option requires external installation of Microsoft SQL Server and creation of a database and account before proceeding with the installation.

10. In the next step you need to fill in Host, Port, Database name, Username and Password if you are going to use PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server. If you are going to use SQLite this step won't be presented and installation will proceed to next step.

11. Now you will see a summary of the configurations made. If you should regret a selection made up till now, it is possible to go back using the Back button. But if everything is OK, you should click Next to start the installation.

12. Finish the installation by clicking Finish.

Installation on separate computer in DMZ

1. Start the installation of Monitor BI Server with the file MONITOR BI Server Setup.exe.

2. If the window User Account Control is shown, you should allow the installation to make changes on the computer. Click Yes in that window.

3. In the window called Monitor BI Server Installation which is shown, click Next to start the installation.

4. In the next step you should click the browse button ... and select the license file MONITOR Certificate - [your system name].rsa. Click on Open after you have selected the license file and then click Next.

5. In the next step, you select which Monitor server the BI server should use. It is recommended to use the default setting Find the Monitor server automatically. Then click Next.

6. In the next step you select in which path to install the BI server. It is recommended to install it in the default path. Click Next.

7. In this step you enter which port the Monitor BI should use to listen for inbound traffic from BI clients. Port 443 is set by default. This is the standard port for https (that is, encrypted traffic via SSL). It is recommended you use this port. If you use a different port for https you must also remember to make this change in the firewall configuration.

a. Here you should keep the Use https setting activated.

b. Enter Username, Password, and Confirm password, for the domain administrator account in Windows which will run the BI service. Then click Next.

8. In the next step you should link the BI server to the SSL certificate which has been purchased for the computer (to be able to use https on their BI server's port). Click the Choose certificate button and select the certificate file (.cer) where you saved it on the computer. This is done by marking it and clicking on Open. Then click Next.

9. In the next step you select which database engine to use for Monitor BI.

Please note! If you are going to be using SQLite as a database engine, it will be on the same computer as the BI server and will be internet accessible, which could potentially present a security risk.

a. SQLite – This option requires no external installation of a database engine.

b. PostgreSQL – This option requires external installation of PostgreSQL version 16 or higher and creation of a database and account before proceeding with the installation.

c. Microsoft SQL Server – This option requires external installation of Microsoft SQL Server and creation of a database and account before proceeding with the installation.

10. In the next step you need to fill in Host, Port, Database name, Username and Password if you are going to use PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server. If you are going to use SQLite this step won't be presented and installation will proceed to next step.

11. Now you will see a summary of the configurations made. If you should regret a selection made up till now, it is possible to go back using the Back button. But if everything is OK, you should click Next to start the installation.

12. Finish the installation by clicking Finish.

Verify the installation

1. Start a Windows client and open the procedure called System settings. Go to the tab System overall and scroll down to the heading Automatic update of adaptations. Check that there is a row with URL and Authentication key entered for the BI server in the table.

2. Mark the row in the table and click the button Verify connection to check that the communication with the BI server works.

3. The MONITOR BI Server and MONITOR BI Server Updater services have been installed.

4. To start the BI client, open your web browser and enter the IP address of your selected BI server.

Take a note of the communication protocol, server name/IP address and the port for the installation and forward this to the users who will get access to Monitor BI.