Lookup in large registers

In large registers Monitor ERP such as for example the part register and different order registers, there is a powerful search function to use to find and load records in the register. It is called LookupClosed The Lookup feature is a powerful search tool which allows you to search and load information from large registers. You open the Lookup feature by clicking on the dropdown button or by using F4 on your keyboard.. Using this Lookup feature you can browse for records, search for records, and view your most recently loaded records from the register in question. Here you can also create Lookup presentations. In a Lookup presentation you decide which columns you want to include in the presentation and which of those should be possible to search. You can also add filters with selections of different type of records that should be possible to search.

You open the Lookup feature using the button or F4 in fields belonging to large registers, for example a part field for the part register.