Operation follow-up

In this procedure you can compare planned and actual times for finished operations in a list. This is done in order to follow up if the planned times correspond with reality.

You can compare total times (including setup times and unit times), and you can also compare setup times separately. The total times can be shown with costs. The compared times are shown with an efficiency factorClosed This is a measure of the outcome (result) between planned and actual time. Calculated according to the following: E = Planned time x Reported quantity / (Reported time x Planned quantity) (E-factor), both in the detailed list and in the total list. An efficiency factor falling below 1.00 means that the operator has used more time than planned for the quantity that has been produced. The E-factor is shown in red if the value is less than 1.0. The result is based on the planned times for the operations and reporting in the manufacturing order log. Follow-ups made for setup times is only worthwhile in cases where you actually report setup time separately.

You can load data from one or several warehouses. You select warehouse in the toolbar of the procedure.