Daily management

In the Daily management procedure, you can create and display different views in which you can see essential product information used on a daily basis by departments and work centers. This is intended to be made on larger screens (or touch screens) out in the actual production unit.

This procedure is intended to replace or be a complement to the "analog" version of daily management which normally is a large whiteboard in the different departments.

By clicking the Configure button on the toolbar of the procedure, you first create the views which the company needs. The different views consist of different components deciding what should be shown in the view. Some of the components can also be configured using different settings. How you create views and configure components is the same as when you create a desktop configuration in Monitor ERP.

The views you create are common/joint and can be used by other users of the procedure in the company. The views become possible to select on the header row in the procedure.

On the header row you can also choose for which date the information should be shown in the view. This means the components will display the information for this date.

When a view should be shown on a monitor you should preferably use the fullscreen mode, in order to make use of the entire screen. The fullscreen mode is activated by the Fullscreen button on the function menu. You can close the fullscreen mode with the Esc key. You can also double-click the heading or rapidly tap twice if you have a touch screen. On the function menu you also find the Reload button . You can use this if you want to update the data directly in the components. Otherwise the data will be updated according to the interval you entered when configuring the view.

Each component in a view can be maximized by clicking or tapping the component heading. This way only this component will be shown in the view. To reset, just click (or tap) on the component heading.