The list type Cancel outgoing payments
This list contains information about supplier invoices including credit invoices. Based on the status alternatives you selected, the list will load invoices that are “Ordered, not sent”, "Sent, not confirmed”, and “Paid/Confirmed”. The information you can update in the list is described below.
The outgoing payments you select here will be canceled when you save.
Voucher date
In this column you see the voucher date. This is the date when the outgoing payment was registered as paid. You can change the voucher date for recorded outgoing payments.
Cancellation of payment via Open Banking (Bank Integration option) and the bank SEB (Sweden). It is not possible to cancel a payment that has been sent to the bank but has not yet been charged from the bank account in the internet bank. In that case, cancellation can only be made via Monitor ERP When you save the cancellation in Monitor ERP, an automatic message is sent to the bank (SEB) saying that the payment order has been canceled. Please note that it may take about a minute before the payment order has been removed in the internet bank.