Create a rectification voucher

This is a step-by-step description on how to create a rectification voucher. This function is used when an incorrectly recorded voucher should be corrected.

  1. Load the voucher you want to rectify.
  2. Click Save as on the toolbar of the procedure.
  3. Select Rectification/Reversing as type.
  4. Select in which accounting year and in which series the rectification should be recorded.
  5. Make sure the Posting checkbox is activated under the Copy/Reverse heading, if you wish for all posting items to be loaded, but recorded on the opposite side.
  6. Click OK in the window.
  7. In this mode you see a copy of the voucher but with reversed posting. If you save in this mode without making any changes, the result is that you completely remove the initial voucher.
    If you need to adjust separate rows in the initial voucher, then you must delete all rows which were correct and adjust the rows which were incorrect. Please note! The rectifying voucher should only contain the changes you wish to make in relation to the initial voucher.

Voucher A has been recorded with the following postings:

Account Name Amount
3010 Sales -1000
2610 VAT -250
1510 Accounts receivable 1250

You have established that the posting should have been as follows:

Account Name Amount
3010 Sales -400
3210 Sales -600
2610 VAT -250
1510 Accounts receivable 1250

A rectifying voucher is then made according to the following:

Account Name Amount
3010 Sales 600
3210 Sales -600