Prerequisites for effective and reliable requirements planning

The following prerequisites are required to achieve effective and reliable requirements planning:

  • Correct basic data – This is especially important regarding the part register, BOM and routing, and work centers. This information should also be updated in order to keep it current.
  • Complete order backlogs – This means that all customer orders, manufacturing orders, and purchase orders are correctly registered, replanned, and reported. Otherwise you will not have a complete picture of your requirements.
  • Correct stock balances – This is achieved by having correct BOM and routing information, correct reporting items, discipline in the stock, and accurate stock counts.

If these conditions are not fulfilled when you perform your requirements planning, you will create incorrect bases for your calculations and requirements outline, incorrect suggestions regarding quantity and time limits and, in the worst case, no suggestions at all.

Planning settingsClosed A number of different settings in the part register, such as reorder point and safety time. These settings function as information about the part and are used during requirement calculations in the system. for parts

The planning settings for the parts are very important in order to create accurate suggestions. This is especially important when performing requirement calculation and net requirement calculation. You find these settings under the Planning tab in the Part register procedure.