Intrastat export/import

IntrastatClosed Intrastat is the system which gathers statistics relating to trade in products within the European Union. Gathering of Intrastat statistics is handled in the same way by all EU member states. reporting is carried out in the Intrastat export and Intrastat import procedures.

Intrastat export is based on statistics loaded from the supplier invoice log (invoices), delivery log (stock order), manufacturing order log (shipment records for subcontract), and adjustment log for Intrastat.

Intrastat export.

Intrastat import is based on statistics loaded from the supplier invoice log (invoices), arrival log (stock orders and purchases from suppliers for which a supplier invoice is not linked), and adjustment log for Intrastat. Please note that for orders not linked to invoices, the order price is used instead of the invoiced price.

Intrastat import.

The workflow in the procedures is as follows:

  1. Make a selection by date
  2. Load the list
  3. Check the result and any warnings issued
  4. Adjust/add records
  5. Save
  6. Print or export the list by clicking Export in the toolbar

The Selection tab

In the upper section, you do not have to make any selections to choose the records to be reported. The system detects this automatically. However, selections can be made in order to search for data in the Intrastat report (e.g., when troubleshooting).

In the date field, enter the period to be reported.

In the Include field, you can choose for a stock order to be included. For exports, you can also specify if subcontract shipments abroad are to be included.

Check that the correct shipment country is specified (in cases where the company has warehouses in multiple countries).


The Intrastat report itself is summarized in this tab.

In the upper box, the total amount of the goods records is summarized per combination of Country, CN code, Country of origin, and Transaction type.

In the lower box, you see the detail records included in the row you selected in the upper box. The information in the upper box must be included in the report for Intrastat import.


The report can be adjusted in different ways. For example, you may wish to include records that are missing or incorrect.

  1. In the upper box, you can correct the existing goods records by editing either the Amount adjustment or Total amount columns.
  2. In the upper box, you can click Add new row at the end (F5) in order to add new goods record rows in the Intrastat report. That is, rows in the Intrastat report that were not there before. Please note that the weight and quantity, if any, are entered in the lower box. If necessary, such adjustment records can be deleted in the upper box.

    The adjustments stated above are saved in a separate adjustment table in the system. They can be accessed the next time you generate the report. Remember to save the list, to ensure the adjustment records are saved.
  3. As the Intrastat information is entered manually on order rows, it may be necessary to change the KN number, weight and/or transaction type directly in the invoicing log afterwards. This is done via a link to the Invoicing log procedure from the row.

Export to the authorities

The Intrastat report can also be exported to a file. When you have made a change to the report, save before exporting. Settings for the export are made in the Settings for export/import procedure.

In the case of Sweden, a tab-separated text file is exported. Reporting takes place via import of the file to SCB, via IDEP.WEB.

Monitor ERP exports the data with the columns in the following order:

  • CN code
  • Country code
  • Transaction type
  • Weight
  • Other quantity
  • Value in SEK
  • Country of origin
  • VAT registration number