Register case

You register all cases which emerge in the Register case procedure. Here you first select what type of case you want to register.

Registered customer nonconformity

This window will automatically open (with most of the fields in the upper section already filled in) if you report a rejection in a procedure such as Report operation or Receiving inspection. Information is then loaded both from the part and from the order. For other cases, for example customer nonconformities, you should there enter all information manually. For customer and supplier nonconformity the customer or supplier number respectively is mandatory. In other cases, all fields are "voluntary".

In the lower portion, you enter any additional information that the case might need. This might for example be information received in a confirmation from the supplier, after they have received a claim report. Here you also enter information about substitute orders, purchase or manufacturing, invoicing, and so on.

Apart from the predetermined costs registered per case type, you can also enter additional costs for reworking or re-manufacturing. The material, subcontracting, and processing costs can be loaded from reported operations and manufacturing orders under the Actions tab. If you have selected the wrong case type you can change it later.

By using the option Copy hyperlink to this procedure and record (Ctrl + Shift + K) in backstage, you can create a hyperlink to a specific case. This link can then e.g. be e-mailed to a recipient who can open the case directly by clicking on the link.