FAQ – General questions Sustainability (Sustainability by Monitor)
Here you find answers to questions asked by our customers at our webinars about sustainability.
Yes, this is standard functionality included as of version 23.6 of Monitor ERP. There is no extra charge for this functionality.
Currently, you download the data yourself and import it via the Import sustainability data procedure. We are looking at solutions via API.
You determine the reliability index and how you want to use it yourself. The reliability index is there so you can evaluate how reliable you believe the information source where you have found your sustainability data to be. If you, for example, received data directly from the supplier, the data should be considered reliable.
Other greenhouse gases must be converted to CO2e when you create sustainability reports according to the reporting standard, ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards), as of 2026.
New calculations can be made monthly if the calculation basis is changed. So far, there isn’t support for handling factors per batch or the like, but this type of functionality might be added in the future. If it is a purchased part with a variable factor, you can save the factor per arrival in the log.
Yes, in the Basic data With "basic data" we refer to the static records in a database, for example parts, customers, users, work centers, etc. – Sustainability procedure, you can enter emission data for previous years.
There are warnings shown in the sustainability calculation which can be used as a basis for knowing which data is "missing" and should be added.
The company's total annual emission is shown in the Basic data – Sustainability procedure.
There are two factors for the centers in the Work center A work center is a part of the factory. It can be a single machine or a group of machines, a single workstation or a group of workstations. register. One for Power and one for Other emissions so you can add LPG etc. as an other emission. Everything that you do not enter under the Expenses tab is regarded as overhead.
You need to have user rights to Pre-calculation in the Manufacturing module and also the right to Modify the part in the Stock module to get access to the sustainability functionality. You determine the user rights in the Users procedure.
You can start with Scope 1 and 2, but the calculation will not be complete if you leave out Scope 3.