Export of salary basis
This is an option for the Time recording module which makes it possible to export salary bases from Monitor ERP to your payroll program. It is the personnel’s recording items (attendance, absence, and overtime) that are exported.
Supported payroll programs
Plugins are included for different payroll programs. At present there are plugins for PAXml (Kontek, Crona Lön, etc.), Visma Lön (Sweden), Agda, HogiaLön Plus, Hogia Lön, SoftOne, Bluegarden (Denmark), Huldt & Lillevik (Norway), UNI Economy (Norway), Visma Payroll (Norway), Mepco (Finland), V10 (Finland), and Comarch Optima (Poland).
Our consultants in Finland are able to customize the export files of the following payroll programs: palkka.fi, SD Worx W, Fivaldi (Visma), Lemonsoft, and Visma.
How does it work?
In the Export salary basis procedure you perform the actual export. Here you select for which personnel you want to export salary basis. Here you also enter a time interval and configure settings for the export.
In connection with the export, you can choose to lock the affected recording records from adjustment. This way you prevent that someone starts adjusting a recording item after the salary basis has been exported. It is also possible to lock and unlock recording items in the Lock/unlock attendance recording items procedure. In this procedure you select the personnel and the time interval for which you want to lock/unlock recording records.
In the Basic data With "basic data" we refer to the static records in a database, for example parts, customers, users, work centers, etc. – Attendance procedure there are settings to configure regarding salary types. This will decide how each salary type should be handled when exporting. In this procedure you also create an export setting to the plugin for the payroll program that you use.
The salary bases are either exported to a text file, an CSV file, or an XML file. This is determined by the plugin that you use for the payroll program.