Capture/interpretation is included in the Electronic invoice management (EIM) option Monitor ERP. This function provides a seamless link to CrossState, a cloud-based solution for invoice management, scanning, and interpretation of supplier invoices.
The interpretation facilitates and automates import and registration of supplier invoices in Monitor ERP.
How EIM Invoice Capture works
Whatever the media of your supplier invoices (e-invoice, PDF, EDI, paper-based), they can be captured/interpreted in CrossState. The invoices are then sent to Monitor ERP through the same channel.
The price of the function is based on the volume of invoices managed, and invoiced on a monthly basis.
You can choose between three solutions:
1. Internal invoice capture in CrossState
With this solution, you’ll interpret the data in the supplier invoices and verify that the data captured on the invoices is correct. This is done within the CrossState program. When you have approved the captured data the invoice is issued right away, ready to be sent to Monitor ERP.
This option is suitable if you have large volumes of invoices, and experience of interpreting and verifying invoice data. You’ll be familiar with creating definitions and supplier templates, etc.
This solution requires one to two days of training in CrossState.
This solution is mandatory for the EIM Workflow option.
2. External invoice capture
With this solution, you won’t have to interpret and verify the supplier invoices and will be provided with the fully captured invoices the following day, ready to be sent straight in to Monitor ERP.
This option is suitable if you have small volumes of invoices, and no experience of interpreting and verifying invoice data.
The price per invoice is higher with solution 1.
3. Internal invoice capture in Monitor ERP
With this solution, you send the invoices in PDF format to a specific e-mail address. These will then arrive in the Register supplier invoice procedure with the basic information for the invoice automatically loaded. All you need to do is verify that the interpreted data is correct, and make any changes required, before saving the invoice. There is also a smart learning function whereby Monitor ERP automatically provides feedback to the interpreter in order to make the interpretation process more intelligent when managing future invoices.
This solution is well suited for the EIM option where the interpretation does not have to take place on row level. For the EIM Workflow option, you can combine this solution with solution 1 when this solution is used for expense invoices and solution 1 for order invoices (interpretation on row level).
Seamless integration
Monitor ERP is seamlessly integrated with CrossState through an API, with no separate installations. You do not have to sign an agreement with CrossState since the service is supplied by Monitor ERP System AB.