
Has a specific manufacturing order been started? Are any of our suppliers delayed with their deliveries? What was the WIP value as of the last of the previous month? The Agent option in Monitor ERP provides you with the answers!

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What is the Agent function?

The Agent in Monitor ERP can be used to:

  • Create agent tasks of different reports.
  • Create monitoring tasks of events based on terms, and quickly inform the affected users about events.

Reports which have been run automatically can be exported and saved to the hard drive via a file path, you can send it via e-mail, or you can print it automatically. When a monitoring task is completed, this information can be sent via e-mail or as a notification directly in Monitor ERP to the relevant users.

Agent tasks

By using Agent tasks, you can automatically run reports at scheduled times. Reports in Monitor ERP can be used to calculate and save data. This can all be performed automatically. Agent tasks can be based on default values and clipboard records. You can also copy records to clipboard to, for example, be used in subsequent agent tasks.

You schedule agent tasks directly in the procedure. This is where you enter the times and intervals for the agent task to run. Reports are exported as Excel and PDF and can be saved to the hard drive via a file path, you can send it via e-mail, or you can print it. You can select language of the report and choose to whom it should be sent.

Examples of areas of automation:

Monitoring tasks

By using Monitoring tasks, you can monitor whether an event has taken place (or not) and quickly notify the affected users of the situation.

In the Monitoring tasks procedure, you can create different selections for monitoring, configure terms, and create message texts. The text can consist of different variables that show different values linked to the term.

You can enter a start and end time for the monitoring task or you can choose that the task should be active until further notice. You can also choose that the task should be deactivated when specific terms are fulfilled.

Using monitoring tasks you can for example monitor: when a certain order has been arrival reported, zero balance on part (if, for example, a part is replaced by another when it has been consumed), reporting of nonconformity activities, when a specific operation on a manufacturing order has been fully reported or started.

When an event has taken place, there is a number of ways to notify the affected users. You can choose to inform via:

  • E-mail – the information will be sent to the entered e-mail address.
  • Notification – the information will be sent to the recipient as a notification in the Message center in Monitor ERP.
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