Desktop components

In this topic you find descriptions of the desktop components included in Monitor ERP. These are used to create desktop configurations. You can create your own desktop configuration under Desktop in the backstage of the desktop. An administrator can create templates for desktop configurations (which multiple users can then use directly). You create these templates in the Desktop templates procedure.

Even though you can add any component in a desktop configuration you need to have the right to show/see the specific data which the component displays. Otherwise, the component will not be shown on the desktop. Read more under each component to find out if it requires a certain user right to be used.

Component list

Component settings

In all components you can change the heading shown on the title bar of the component. The heading is also determined by the language of the user. In many of the components it is possible for you to enter an updating interval. This is by default set to 24,00 hours. You can also update data manually in components by using the Refresh button in the component. Other settings in the components correspond to the settings available in the procedure to which you can go to by double-clicking in the component in question. You access all settings using the Settings button in the component.

If you are using a finished desktop configuration According to template you will not be able to access the settings. For these finished desktop configurations, setting for the components are instead configured in the Desktop templates procedure.