Register supplier invoice

In this procedure you can register new supplier invoices, modify existing invoices, and credit or cancel invoices. You can register debit invoices, credit invoices, and interest invoices. You can also final record invoices here. Multiple users can work with invoices in the procedure at the same time.


In a standard Monitor ERP system, the registration is done manually. If both customer and supplier use Monitor ERP, orders and invoices can be sent and received as XML files via e-mail. Here you can then import the supplier invoices and get them automatically registered. Read more about Monitor-to-Monitor.

Preliminary entry

You can apply preliminary entry of invoices in connection with the registration. This is activated with the system setting Preliminary entry of supplier invoices. Preliminary entry means that the invoices by default are posted on a standard account for preliminary accounts payable and a preliminary account, and on an account for input VAT, pending the final coding.

It is possible to enter a preliminary purchase posting (pre-posting). You can create postings for preliminary entry and final recording. These are either printed via a journal or recorded directly into the accounting. You can also create postings in another currency. Invoices that are only registered or preliminary recorded cannot be paid.

You can preliminary link purchase orders to material invoices as soon as you register or preliminary record the invoice.


In the Posting box you enter postings of supplier invoices. When you register a new invoice, you can start to pre-post the supplier invoice, but it is optional. In this mode, you can save the invoice even though there is some amount left to post. If there is a purchase account selected for the supplier, the posting on that account will be loaded automatically after you have entered an invoice amount, but it is possible to modify the posting.

If you create postings for the invoice prior to the final recording, and you use the Electronic invoice management (see below), these postings will be included in the invoice when it is sent for authorization.

It is possible to use the accrual principle on postings on the invoice by clicking Apply accrual accounting on the function menu in the Posting box. This can also be made automatically if the current account is marked with accrual account in the Chart of accounts procedure.

If the option Fixed assets register is installed, you can also register fixed assets when final recording the invoice. This is done by clicking the button Register/complement fixed assets object on the function menu. This can also take place automatically if the current account is marked with accrual account in the Chart of accounts procedure.

You final record the invoice by using the button Final record in the posting box. Final recording can also be made under the Order link tab by clicking the Final record button.

Linking of purchase order

For material invoices you link purchase orders either by first selecting the purchase order number on the header row or by selecting a purchase order under the Order link tab. In the upper box under that tab you can see the purchase orders that have been arrival reported for the selected supplier. In the bottom box you can see the order rows of the purchase order you have selected to include. You then select which order rows you want to link to the supplier invoice. For each order row it is possible to update prices, discount, VAT code, and posting.

If you link a subcontract purchase order and the belonging manufacturing order has already been final reported and has status 9 (Historical), then a warning appears informing you that the subcontracting cost will not be reported on the manufacturing order. In this case you have two options. 1) Continue with the invoice registration and ignore the fact that the subcontracting cost will not be reported on the manufacturing order. 2) Cancel the invoice registration and change the status on the manufacturing order back to 6 (Delivered). Then continue with the invoice registration and link the subcontract purchase order. This way the subcontracting cost will be reported on the manufacturing order. Then you final report the manufacturing order again.

You can final record an order invoice when you have completed the linking of the purchase order. That is why you also find the Final record button at the bottom of this tab. You will then be transferred to the Supplier invoice tab, and in the Posting box you can see the posting of the invoice, including the postings that you have created through links to order rows.

It is possible to automatically post price differences and also exchange rate differences on a separate price difference account and accounts for exchange profit/exchange loss. This is done when in connection to final recording the supplier invoice after linking order rows. In order to get exchange rate differences posted, the supplier invoice and the linked order rows must be in the same currency. The system setting Record price differences during invoice registration determines if price difference and exchange rate difference should be posted automatically.

Final recording

You can either final record invoices during registration or by loading already registered/preliminary recorded invoices and final record them by clicking the Final record button in the posting box and then save. If you apply preliminary entry and final record a new invoice directly before you save during registration, no preliminary entry is created.

Before you save an order invoice as final recorded you can still link purchase orders to it. But if you have saved the invoice as final recorded you can no longer link purchase orders. If you final record an invoice that has a preliminary entry, the preliminary entry’s postings will be replaced with the postings of the final recording, that is, the posting on regular accounts.

If you final record an invoice, it is possible to undo the final recording by using the Undo final recording button. It can be undone as long as you have not saved the invoice as final recorded. The invoices that have been final recorded can then be paid.

If you use the Electronic invoice management (EIM) option, you can see which invoices are ready for final recording by selecting the For final recording inbox in the navigation panel.

Crediting or cancellation of supplier invoice

When making a credit of a supplier invoice you can choose if the entire debit invoice should be credited or not. If you choose not to credit the entire invoice, you must manually enter the invoice amount and posting to be credited. If there is a linked purchase order, you can also on order row level select what you wish to credit on the debit invoice.

If you use the Electronic invoice management (EIM) option as well as the EIM Workflow option, the imported credit invoices will automatically be placed in the Register credit invoice inbox in the navigation panel. From here you load those invoices and credit the in the regular way.

Read about how to credit or cancel a supplier invoice in the Register supplier invoice section under Using Monitor G5 -> Accounts payable on the menu in the online help function.