Exception from production calendar
If daily planning is applied for the work center, exceptions can be made from the production calendar. If a day is registered as a non-working day in the production calendar, there will be a 0 (zero) in the Basic time field. You can then in the exception enter another basic time, if you despite the non-working day decide to work that day. For days where it normally is a work day, the basic time is shown, but it can be lowered. You can e.g. enter 0 (zero) hours for that day, if you do not work that.
You can also enter an Exception from no. of machines or Exception from no. of persons if for example one of two employees are off work on a day. Exception of number of persons applies for work centers of the type manual work. In the fields Exc. from no. of mach. and Exc. from no. of persons it is possible to enter decimal numbers.