Part contents
The part contents you register here can be used for many types of, for example, chemical reporting and is not only aimed at ECHA/Reach. In this box you register the chemicals/the contents that are used in the parts.
By clicking the Import part contents data button you can import data from a text file (.txt, .xml, .csv). The file should be tab-separated.
Here you enter a code for the part contents/the chemical.
A contents type is used to define what kind of contents is included in the part.
Here you enter a descriptive name for the part contents/chemical.
By using the button Translations you can translate the text to the different active languages registered in the system. Read more about language management for translatable texts.
Here you enter the classification of the chemical according to REACH. The available classifications are Green, Yellow, and Red, where Green is the least harmful and Red is the most harmful.
EC no. (European Community number)
Here you enter the EC no. for the chemical.
CAS no.
Here you enter the chemical's CAS registry number. A CAS registry number (CAS RN, Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number) is assigned to a substance when it is registered in the CAS registry.. This will then be used when reporting "Substances of Very High Concern" (SVHC) to the SCIP database.

A CAS registry number:
- Is a unique numeric identifier.
- Only stands for one single substance.
- Has no chemical significance.
- Is a connection to information about a specific chemical substance.
A CAS registry number is a numerical identifier which can contain up to 10 digits, divided by hyphens into three sections. The last digit is a check digit used to verify the validity of the entire number, and to make sure the number is unique. For example, the CAS registry number 58-08-2 is for caffeine.
Here you see/enter the part number of the part contents/chemical. This requires the part to be registered in the Part register.
The unit is handled in g (gram) or kg (kilogram).
Reporting requirements
In this column you see/select reporting requirement. This is loaded from the Reporting requirements table below. The field is used to describe to which authority/demander the contents should be reported.
By clicking this button you access a text editor where you can write and format text, insert images and signature, and hyperlinks, etc. When a comment/text exists, the symbol on the button will change from an empty speech bubble to a filled speech bubble
More info
Under the More info button , you can generally find additional columns. Below you find the online help topics for the columns.
Included in
In this table you see in which parts this code is included.
Miscellaneous information 1-3
These columns can be used according to your own purposes.