Shortcut keys

Here you find all shortcut keys in Monitor ERP.

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Shortcut Description
Alt + C Close all procedure windows
Alt + D Find procedure
Alt + End Go to the last record in the register or the filter
Alt Gr + 8 Shows all available variables in the formula editor (Product configurator)
Alt + Home Go to the first record in the register or the filter
Alt + M Minimize all procedure windows
Alt + O OverlapClosed Overlap is abbreviated to OL, and is entered as a percentage. This allows two operations to overlap in time when a manufacturing order is created. Overlap is entered as a value that indicates how much of the current operation should remain when the next operation can begin. Any queue time on the subsequent operation means that overlap is ignored. procedure windows
Alt + Pg Up/Pg Dn Go to previous/Go to the next (record in the register or the filter)
Alt + R Reset all procedure windows
Alt + S Tile all procedure windows (side by side)

Ctrl + Enter

Confirm (and save configuration)

Ctrl + B Find in list (all columns)
Ctrl + C Copy the value in the field
Ctrl + F Monitor search
Ctrl + F2 Rename active record
Ctrl + F4 Close active procedure window
Ctrl + F6 Delete active record
Ctrl + F7 Select object in the procedure window (in Property management)
Ctrl + F11 Customer order info
Ctrl + tab number Go to tab (tab number) in the procedure
Ctrl + G Go to field in procedure
Ctrl + H Find & replace in selected column in list
Ctrl + K Copy hyperlinks to this procedure
Ctrl + L Load data to list
Ctrl + M Send by e-mail as PDF (this function is available in lists)
Ctrl + space Show all available variables and functions in the formula editor (Product configurator)
Ctrl + N Create new
Ctrl + O Place the cursor in record selector
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + Pg Up/Pg Dn Go to previous/Go to the next (tab in the procedure window)
Ctrl + Q Change/select warehouses from which to show data in procedure
Ctrl + R Run calculation in list
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Confirm, but don’t close the window
Ctrl + Shift + C Split row
Ctrl + Shift + F Filter list
Ctrl + Shift + F5 Add underlying row to the selected row
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Open the order row discount window. This can be found in the Register quote, Register customer order, and Register invoice directly procedures.
Ctrl + Shift + I Open instruction for the procedure
Ctrl + Shift + L Follow active record in other procedures
Ctrl + Shift + M Send by e-mail as Excel (this function is available in lists)
Ctrl + Shift + P Preview document/list
Ctrl + Shift + R Load active record again
Ctrl + Shift + S Save as
Ctrl + Tab Switch between open procedures
Ctrl + U Activate/deactivate ability to update in list
Enter Go to next field (setting in backstage)
F1 Help for active section in the procedure
F3 Show document in separate window
F4 LookupClosed The Lookup feature is a powerful search tool which allows you to search and load information from large registers. You open the Lookup feature by clicking on the dropdown button or by using F4 on your keyboard.
F5 Add new row at the end
F6 Delete selected row
F9 Open temporary module menu (useful when procedure windows are maximized)
F10 Show/hide the side panel
F11 Manufacturing order info
F12 Part register
Shift + F1 Help topic for the procedure
Shift + F5 Insert new row
Shift + F8 Expand/minimize all rows
Shift + F11 Supplier register
Shift + F12 Customer register
Shift + Tab Go to the previous field
Tab Go to next field