Search the online help
In the online help function for Monitor ERP there is a search field where you can do full text searches. You can search for words, parts of words, and/or phrases. You can also use Boolean operators to create a more advanced search expression. The search is made in the online help as a whole. When you have entered the text you want to find, start the search with the Find button to the right of the field or press Enter.

The full text search provides hits for complete words or parts of a word, or several search words.
If you for example type the word order you will get hits in all help topics containing: order, Order, orders, order's, borders, ordering, etc. The search is not case sensitive. Also the search does not take misspelling into consideration (so-called "fuzzy search"). For example orfer instead of order will not give you hits.

You can search for phrases or entire sentences. A phrase should be placed within quotation marks ("phrase").
If you for example type "configure different settings" you will get hits in all help topics containing that exact phrase. If you do not enter quotation marks you will instead get hits in help topics containing the words configure, different, and settings, independent of each other.

With the boolean operators AND, OR, NOT, and (), you can create more advanced search expressions. The operators are not case sensitive. You can for example type "AND", "And", or "and", "NOT", "Not", or "not", etc.

This operator is used to narrow down a search for two or more words. This will get hits in help topics containing all of the words in your search.
If you for example search for quote and inquiry and order you will get hits in all help topics containing both quote, inquiry, and order. If you enter several words to search for using a space in between, the "AND" operator will be used by default between each search word. You can also search for quote inquiry order, and you will get the same result. You can also use the symbol + or & instead of AND.

This operator is used to widen a search for two or more search words. This will get hits in help topics containing any of the words in your search.
If you for example search for quote or inquiry or order you will get hits in all help topics containing either quote, inquiry, or order. You can also use the "pipe" symbol | instead of OR.

This operator is used to find a search word and to exclude another search word in the same search.
If you for example type customer not order you will get hits in all help topics containing customer but not order. You can also use the symbol ! or ^ instead of NOT.

This operator is used to create combined boolean search expressions. Search words placed within parentheses will not be highlighted in the search result.
If you for example search for quote and (order or invoice) you will get hits for all help topics containing quote and either order or invoice.

On the result page after you perform a search, the help topics will be sorted by relevance. This means that the help topics with the most number of links to it, and containing the most number of hits of the search words, come at the top of the list.

On the result page all search words are shown in bold font. If you open one of the help topics on the result page the search words are marked with different background colors. However, this does not work for combined search words within parentheses.