Outgoing payments

In this procedure you can register outgoing payments in the accounts payable ledger and confirm payments. By registering outgoing payments, the invoices concerned get status paid or partially paid in the accounts payable ledger. Postings are also updated in the accounting. In the Bank settings procedure, you configure several settings regarding outgoing payments that are registered in this procedure, for example settings for different payment methods and write-off codes.

Payment suggestion

You can register outgoing payments in different ways in this procedure. One way is to order for payment directly via the Payment suggestion list, where the selected supplier invoices are directly transferred to a payment file that will be sent to the bank. Or you can transfer the selected invoices in the list to the transaction list to be approved/printed in the Print transaction list procedure. If you approve the invoices in the transaction list, they will be transferred to the payment file. Another way to register outgoing payments is to first transfer the selected invoices from the Payment suggestion list to the Pay via bank (order) tab or to add them one at a time to that tab, and from there transfer them to a payment file. These methods mentioned apply for outgoing payments where electronic payment method is used. You can also register outgoing payments for supplier invoices where manual payment method is used in the Payment suggestion list. Then you start by selecting the invoices and transferring them to the Pay manually tab or you can add them one at a time to that tab.

If you are using the ISO payment method, you will in certain cases be required to use a special handling a credit invoices. Read more about it here.

Otgoing payments via Bank integration

As before, outgoing payments are made here in the Outgoing payments routine. Either directly via the Payment suggestion list type, or via the Pay via bank (order) tab. Use the payment method set for bank integration. Read more about outgoing payments with Open Banking and File pay (ISO) below.


In this procedure you can also confirm paid supplier invoices (that have already been sent in a payment file to the bank and that the bank has confirmed as paid). The confirmation must be performed in order to update the status of the invoices as paid in the system. The confirmation is made in a list for the invoices that have been paid. In order to confirm outgoing payments, select the Confirmation list type.

You can perform confirmation via file. The purpose of this function is to use a file to confirm the payments that have been carried out by the bank. To load payments via file is a much faster and easier way to confirm payments than to manually confirm payments that you have registered with the bank.

Outgoing payments via Bank integration are confirmed via the Manage transactions via bank integration tab in the Manage bank transactions procedure.


You can cancel or undo outgoing payments that have been made. You may need to cancel payments, if you for example, by mistake ordered invoices to be paid. Such adjustments should only be made before the payment file is sent to the bank. It is possible to cancel individual payments as well as entire outgoing payment journals, transaction lists, etc. In order to cancel outgoing payments, select the list type Cancel outgoing payments.

If you need to cancel an outgoing payment that has been sent to the bank but has still not been withdrawn from the bank account (future payment, the handling will be different depending on the bank you have. For most banks, it's the same as before, i.e. the payment order needs to be canceled via online banking and then canceled in Monitor ERP via the Cancel outgoing payment list type in the Outgoing payments procedure.

The exception is if you have made an outgoing payment via Open Banking and use the banks Nordea or SEB. If this is the case, you are not able to cancel via online banking, but must cancel via Monitor ERP. When you save the cancellation in Monitor ERP, an automatic message is sent to the bank saying that the payment order has been canceled. Please note that it may take about a minute before the payment order has been removed in the internet bank.

Outgoing payments as on account

You can also register outgoing payments as on account payments in the procedure. They can be outgoing payments of e.g. advance payments or excess payments (overpayment) for which there are no invoices in the accounts payable ledger. An outgoing payment like that creates a new accounts payable entry of type "On accountClosed On account is a partial payment (advance payment) which you have made to a supplier or received from a customer." and will then exist as a balance in your favor in the accounts payable ledger. You add on account payments under the Pay manually tab by leaving the field Consecutive number empty.

On account outgoing payment via file

If you want to send an on account outgoing payment via file, you should first register on account under the Pay manually tab. Then you can select an electronic payment method in the Payment method column. In the standard mode you will find this by clicking the More info button . The on account payment will in this step create a record in the ledger which is not recorded. The record is shown as a debt to the supplier and thereby you see it as a positive amount in the Accounts payable list. After registration you can create payment via file in the same way as when you do other file payments. When the on account payment is confirmed/reported as paid in full, a new on account is automatically created. This on account record is recorded and displayed as a balance in favor against the supplier and thereby as a negative amount in the Accounts payable list procedure. The new on account record created is assigned the consecutive number from the original on account payment as Supplier invoice number. This is done to be able to see the connection between these two. For on account payments that have an electronic payment method, you will see On account (electronic) as Invoice type.

The following system settings affect Outgoing payments payments: Default exchange rate for outgoing payments, Default exchange rate for outgoing payments (via file), and Method for calculating payment date.

Read more about Setting up ISO payments under Using Monitor in the online help function.