FAQ – Manufacturing order and reportings

How do I delete a manufacturing order if I cannot use Delete (the eraser icon)?

Deleting a manufacturing order does not work.

If you cannot delete an order via Delete in the Register manufacturing order procedure, you can instead delete the order in the Quick reporting procedure. Choose the Delete remaining list type and enter the order number under the Selection tab.

The settings to delete an order in the Quick reporting procedure.

Mark Include and then click Save. See the image below.

Delete an order in the Quick reporting procedure.

This sets the Remaining quantity to zero and the order is assigned status Finished. This does not affect transport to stock or material withdrawal.

Why do I get a validation that an Account needs to be entered when I create a manufacturing order?

The validation that an account is missing is only shown if the system setting Mandatory posting on order row is set to Yes.

Validation that an account must be entered.

This is due to the part containing subcontracts that do not have the correct posting.

Check that the correct product group is set under Subcontract information in Work center register or in the Subcontract parts procedure. The system setting Posting of subcontract purchase according to product group on determines in which procedure product group should be entered.

Product group in Work center register.

Product group in Subcontract parts.

If the product group is correct, you need to check that an account has been entered for the product group. You do this in the Posting matrix procedure under the Purchase account tab.

Posting matrix, account settings for product group.

How do I report subcontracts? It can’t be done in the Report manufacturing order/Report operation or in the Recording terminal.

On the subcontracting row, there is a purchase order which is created when the purchase order is registered. After you have reported arrival of this purchase order, the subcontracting is reported with the quantity you have selected to report.

You can go to Register purchase order via the link and from there you can go to Reporter delivery and select quantity to deliver.

I have changed the quantity on a manufacturing order but the linked purchase order for the subcontract doesn’t change, why?

If the Quantity column does not change on a purchase order, it is because the purchase order no longer has status 1 Registered. You need to change the status on the purchase order to status 1 Registered before you are able to change the quantity on the manufacturing order. The quantity then changes both on the manufacturing order and on the purchase order.