Header row

Part number

The part number is the primary information in the Part register and in the BOM and routing procedures. In this field you will see the part number that was most recently loaded. By using the LookupClosed The Lookup feature is a powerful search tool which allows you to search and load information from large registers. You open the Lookup feature by clicking on the dropdown button or by using F4 on your keyboard. feature, you can select another part number. If the selected part is blocked, the part number is displayed in red.

A new record is highlighted by a green dot shown in the field. This dot will disappear when the record is saved for the first time.

You can enter a new part number (alphanumerical, with a maximum of 20 characters) and leave the field using Tab or Enter in order to create a new part. You can also click the Create new button or press (Ctrl + N) to create/register a new part. If you leave the field empty, the next available part number will be loaded from the number series for part numbers in the Number series procedure when you save in the procedure.

Part number can be shown as a bar code on different documents in Monitor ERP. If you plan to use extended characters in your part numbers (for example, Å, Ä, and Ö), please remember that these characters are not supported by certain bar code types.


In this field you see/enter the name of the part. This field cannot be left empty. By using the button Translations you can translate the text to the different active languages registered in the system. Read more about language management for translatable texts.


Here you see the status of the part.

There are seven different statuses for a part. These reflects a part’s life cycle (and an additional status for inactive parts) as seen in the status stages in the table below:

Symbol Code Name
1 Quote
2 Prototype
3 New part
  4 Normal
5 New revision
6 Phasing out
9 Obsolete
99 Inactive

The different part statuses are fixed. It is not possible to add or delete a part status. The status of a part is shown, for example, on order rows. You can select by the part status in different lists.

If you enter a part number which is deactivated (status 99), you will be shown a message saying This part is deactivated and you will be given the following options: Save as a new part or Activate part. The Save as new part option will register the part as a new part with information copied from the deactivated part. The Activate option will reactivate the part and it will again become visible/available in the system. You can deactivate parts by clicking Delete on the toolbar or in the Delete parts procedure.

Part type

There are four different fixed part types in Monitor ERP which you can select for a part you register. These are described below.

In addition to these four fixed part types there is also the part type called Subcontract which is automatically used on subcontract parts you create for subcontracts in the BOM and routing. Read about subcontract parts in the help function for the Subcontract parts procedure.

Symbol Type Description

You use the part type Purchased for parts which you purchase, for example raw material and finished components. The planning method for purchased parts can be either Net requirement or Physical.

When using the physical planning method there is no control method and there is no requirement calculation for the part. Physical planning is for example used for consumable materials and so-called "bucket parts", where you manually check when it is time to buy more of the parts in question.

When planning based on net requirement, the control method can be either Order oriented or Stock driven.

An order driven purchased part is not purchased to be stocked. The lot sizing rule for order driven purchased part can either be Lot-for-lot or Linked requirement. When the lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot is used, one order suggestion is created per day for the total requirement/shortage of the part on that day. There might be requirements from several different manufacturing orders, customer orders, etc. When the lot sizing rule is set to Linked requirement, it means that one linked order suggestion is created for each separate requirement, for example a customer order or a manufacturing order. Then you can get several suggestions per day and you can only use the balance created form the linked order.

A stock driven purchased part can be included in a manufactured part on a higher level, but it doesn't have to be. The lot sizing rule for a stock driven purchased part can either be Fixed order quantity or Period requirement. When fixed order quantity is used it means the part is purchased with the lot size the same as the part's order quantity. When period requirement is used, the part will be purchased with a lot size which corresponds to the requirement which has arisen within the period time.

Purchased parts normally do not have a structure, so no structure explosion will be done at order registration and calculation. But it is possible for such parts to have a structure so it is possible to create manufacturing order or calculate as a manufactured part and when needed you can force an explosion.


You use the part type Manufactured for manufactured parts. The planning method used for manufactured parts is in most cases Net requirement, but it can also be set to Physical.

When using the physical planning method there is no control method and there is no requirement calculation for the part. Physical planning is used when no requirements planning is needed, for example in small workshops where they manufacture as they sell.

When planning based on net requirement, the control method can be either Order oriented or Stock driven. For manufactured parts this is made visible with different symbols for the part type, to make it easier to distinguish between order driven and stock oriented manufactured parts in structures.

An order oriented manufactured part is usually the top level in a structure. It is not manufactured to be stocked. The lot sizing rule for order driven manufactured part can either be Lot-for-lot or Linked requirement. When the lot sizing rule is set to Lot-for-lot and the part is incorporated into a higher level part, then the part will be manufactured in the lot size that corresponds to the requirement of the higher level part. When the higher level part uses the rule Lot-for-lot, one order suggestion is created per day for the total requirement/shortage of the part. There might be requirements from several different manufacturing orders, customer orders, etc. When the lot sizing rule is set to Linked requirement, it means that one linked order suggestion is created for each separate requirement, for example a customer order or a manufacturing order.

A stock driven manufactured part is manufactured for stock. The lot sizing rule for a stock driven manufactured part can either be Fixed order quantity or Period requirement. When fixed order quantity is used it means the part is manufactured with the lot size the same as the part's order quantity. When period requirement is used, the part will be manufactured with a lot size which corresponds to the requirement which has arisen within the period time.

During the structural explosion in connection with registration of a manufacturing order, all included/incorporated part nodes (levels) with order driven manufactured parts will be exploded. For stock driven manufactured parts, only reservations will be created, in the same way as for purchased parts.

When calculating, all nodes with order driven manufactured parts will be exploded and calculated for the selected lot size. However, for stock driven manufactured parts a calculation is loaded or made depending the lot size enter for the part, that is, the part's order quantity.

But in both cases it is possible to force an explosion of stock driven manufactured parts as well.


The part type Fictitious is a part which does not physically exist. Stock updates are not made for fictitious parts, this means no stock transaction log is created. But it is possible to e.g. stock count the part and enter a balance which will then not be changed. In connection with purchasing and sales, you can obtain statistics for fictitious parts.

There are different ways of using fictitious parts. During purchases and sales, a fictitious part can be used to create part lots, for example assemble kits. A BOM list (bill of material, material list) is configured for the fictitious part using the BOM and routing procedure. When a purchase order or customer order is registered, order rows for all the parts included in the fictitious part are generated.

With the sales setting Show structure when registering orders on a fictitious part, you can in the part register determine that the material list with the included/incorporated parts should become possible to edit when the fictitious part is selected for a quote, customer order, and invoice. For example to add more included parts to a specific customer order.

Using two system settings you determine that prices for fictitious parts should be shown on customer orders and quotes, and on purchase orders and inquiries. In that case, the fictitious part is shown with the price on an order row with row type 1. The included parts will be shown on underlying order rows with the price set to zero. Without the system settings the fictitious part will be shown at the top of a row type 4 (text row). The included parts are then shown with price on rows of row type 1.

For manufacturing orders you can – by using fictitious parts – construct modules and supplements that are used to insert variants and especially adapted customer-specific structures. This means that the part's included operations and included material will be moved up one level and becomes the order row for the order. Fictitious parts most commonly have the lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot.

With the system setting Merge same material from fictitious parts you decide if multiple material rows with the same material belonging to different fictitious parts should be merged in BOM (bill of material/material lists). With the system setting Leave fictitious parts in order's material list you decide if fictitious parts should be left in the material list (BOM) when the manufacturing order is created. These can thereby be displayed in different situations. If fictitious parts have comments and linked files, these will also be left in the BOM list.


The part type Service is used for services. Services are handled in Monitor ERP as parts. There are three sub-categories for service parts: Freight which is used for freight charges on orders, Alloy cost which is used for alloy costs on parts on orders, and Unspecified which is used for other services and can also be used for alloy cost. The service type is used to, for example, inform the buyer what the service concerns, in connection with the communication taking place via Monitor-to-Monitor. This can be seen as a way to make it easier for the buyer to register the supplier invoice. In the receiving system, the customer (the receiver of the Monitor-to-Monitor invoice) can configure which part number the different services should be registered on when the supplier invoice is imported and linked to the purchase order.


The selected part template determine certain default values and settings for parts. By using the Change template button , you can change part template. Part templates are registered in the Part templates procedure. In systems where the Tools & Maintenance option has been installed, these templates decide how tools should be handled.


Here you see the revision of the part. By using the button , you can add part revisions and select the active revision in a table. You can enter the date from which the revision applies.


By clicking this button you access a text editor where you can write and format text, insert images and signature, and hyperlinks, etc. When a comment/text exists, the symbol on the button will change from an empty speech bubble to a filled speech bubble .


By clicking the Files button , it is possible to link different files related to a comment or an instruction for the record in question. When the setting Automatic printout is available for activation, you can choose to get the linked file automatically printed. Read more in the topic General features about how to link files, automatic printout, and where linked files can be automatically printed. If there are linked files, you will see this symbol on the button.

With the system setting Include revision files to subcontract purchase orders you decide if files linked to a part revision should be included/attached when e-mailing subcontract purchase orders in the Subcontract documents/Shipped and Print purchase order procedures.

The active revision and its linked file are shown in the field on the main row.

Please note! The part’s revision and the revision of drawings (which you can add in the Drawings box under the General tab) are not the same.


Here you can see the part's total balance displayed with up to 6 decimals, for the warehouses selected on the toolbar of the procedure. Only one warehouse is selected by default. This field is not used for parts of the Service type.

If a balance has been excluded for any of the locations, a yellow exclamation mark will be displayed in the field. An excluded balance can occur if the Exclude balance setting has been activated for a location. An excluded balance can also occur if a batch number/serial number in a location has a status configured in the Serial numberClosed A serial number is a number that is used for traceability for parts on entity level./BatchClosed A batch is the set of components/products manufactured at the same time and made from the same original material. procedure which block the balance from being used.

A tooltip for the field displays information about Available balanceClosed Available balance is the current part balance on the locations minus the cleared quantity. and Excluded balance, but also about Expired balance. The expired balance refers to batch numbers/serial numbers that apply best-before date, where the best-before date of the balance has expired.

Stock balances in remote company

The Stock balances in remote company button is active if there is a connection in the company to a different company (remote company) in the system and there is a transfer profile of the Part information type for the connection. These are created in the procedures called Connections and Transfer profiles.

Here you can see the total balance and the total ordered quantity, the reserved and the disposable balance, for the part in other companies/warehouses.

Here you also find a planning window for the part in the remote company. In the planning window you also see each order, reservation, disposable amount, and date for planned transaction. You also see the type of actual orders, preliminary, forecasts, and suggestion, for each reservation and order. Here you also see the warehouse and if the order is set as confirmed delay. The planning window applies the same settings as you have configured under the Planning window tab for the part in the local company.


Here you see the default unit of the part. If there are more than one unit registered for the part, you can here select an alternate unit. The balance is converted to the selected unit according to the conversion factor of the unit. If you change the unit, all quantity values in the part register for the part in question will be changed into this unit, This means that not only the balance next to the field will be affected. It also affects Order quantity (the Planning tab), Disposable balanceClosed The disposable balance is the current part balance on the locations at a given time minus reserved quantity plus ordered quantity. (the Planning window tab), Current balanceClosed Current balance is the part balance at this moment on the locations. (the box StockGeneral), Sales prices (the Sales tab). The unit on customer links is not affected.

Stock transaction log

By clicking the Stock transaction log button you find a log of historical stock transactions of the part. The balance change and the current balance are displayed in the unit selected on the main row. This balance can be displayed with two to six decimals.

Enough for

In this field you see for how many work days the balance will suffice. This applies to parts with an annual volume entered in the Basic information box under the Planning tab. Enough for is calculated as: Balance divided by Daily paceClosed Daily pace is the consumption per day of a specific part..