Report delivery

In this procedure you report deliveries of customer orders and stock orders for sales. You can select any orders to delivery or deliver orders via pick lists. This is determined by the selected list type. Stock orders for sales are available if you have installed the Warehouse option.

Delivery reported customer orders are updated on row level and new status is set on the order depending on if a partial delivery or a delivery in full has been made. Read about using partial delivery.

When the delivery is saved in this procedure, an invoice basis is created for delivered order rows and packaging.

You can then print/e-mail the documents called Delivery note, delivered and Transport label, sales from this procedure. This is done under the Documents tab. It is also possible to print these documents separately in the Print delivery documents procedure. Shipping information is automatically calculated for the delivered quantity. You can also send dispatch advice via e-mail.

From the Result box found under the Documents tab, you can also create a shipment for the orders or pick lists which have been marked to include. A shipment draft with all of the information pre-filled is then created in the Register shipment procedure.

As long as the invoice concerning the delivery has not been printed, the delivery can be adjusted, either by reporting delivery of an additional quantity or by undoing the delivery in the Undo delivery reporting procedure. When additional quantity is reported, a new invoice basis will be created.

If an order row you deliver is linked to a manufacturing order, the manufacturing order will get status 5 (Partial delivery made), but only if it had status 4 (Finished) before the delivery.

You can send delivery documents and/or shipment advice via e-mail.