Delivery planning

Delivery planning is a central function used to plan deliveries of customer orders where delivery planning is applied. This is determined with the setting Apply delivery planning on the customer or on the customer order.

The purpose of this procedure is to make it easier to plan today's and upcoming deliveries, and to print pick lists (primarily) and other documents (secondarily) before delivery. The delivery planning with it's functions is the beginning stage before the actual delivery. That is reported in a separate procedure.

Delivery planning means that the system will analyze the order backlog and suggest the orders that can be delivered in form of order rows ready for delivery. The horizon for the analyzed order backlog is the delivery horizon entered for each respective customer under the Delivery rules button. There is also a general delivery horizon which can be entered using the system setting Delivery horizon. The delivery horizon entered for a customer or for an order are both exceptions from the general delivery horizon. Only orders that have a remaining quantity and where pick lists are not yet loaded or printed will be analyzed. The analysis is only made on order rows of type 1. Sub-rows are always considered as ready for delivery when their main row on the customer order is ready for delivery. Order rows of row type 2 are always ready for delivery. Incorporated parts in a fictitious part determine when the fictitious part is considered ready for delivery.

When the list type Picking plan is applied, it is possible to print multiple pick lists for an order if, for example, the quantity has been changed for an existing order row. It is also possible to print multiple pick lists if order rows have been added on an order. When printing a pick list, the status of the order is set to 4 (Picking is in progress).

You can also apply preliminary pick list. This is configured for order type and customer to be used by default. These are also printed using the list type Picking plan. Preliminary pick lists are useful if you also want to create pick lists for parts with shortages (not ready for delivery). You can also use preliminary pick lists when the picking will take long time or be made in several steps. For a preliminary pick list, the status on the order will also be set to 4 (Picking is in progress). However, no check is made to make sure the balance is sufficient. And the quantity on the order rows will not be cleared. In the Part register procedure, under the Planning window tab, the status is shown in bold font in italics for orders that have a preliminary pick list. There you can see that the quantity has not been cleared.

A printed preliminary pick list can be released and thereby turn into a regular pick list using the list type called Release preliminary pick lists. When you release a preliminary pick list, the balance is checked and the quantity is cleared, just as when using a regular pick list.

Pick lists that are already created and printed (picking is in progress) can also be reprinted or deleted. This also applies to preliminary pick lists. In that case, you use the list type Picking in progress.

Read about settings regarding applying delivery planning in the topic Delivery/Shipping in the online help function for the Customer register procedure.

Pick lists can be loaded and printed, regardless of whether or not you apply delivery planning on orders. For the list type Picking plan, the setting Show delivery planned orders is available. This setting is by default set to only show orders which apply delivery planning. But it is also possible to also, or to only, show orders which do not apply delivery planning.

You can also print pick lists order by order, without applying delivery planning, if that way of working suits you best. In that case, use the list type Pick listClosed A pick list is a list of parts/products which should be picked from stock for a manufacturing order or a customer order. by order. For that pick list you can choose if the order's status should be updated to 4 (Picking is in progress).

You can create loading plans for deliveries of customer order in the same way as you do for manufacturing orders. With the list type Loading plan you create a loading plan which displays how may orders and order rows to delivery per datum, measured in number of packages and pick time. You also see net weight and volume. With the system settings Setup time for picking per order row and Unit time for picking per package you enter a general time (on the loading plan) for picking to pick lists. The times in the system settings are added to each order row and package on planned delivery dates.

Please note! If you use the when picking for orders, you should not print the pick list.