
TraceabilityClosed Traceability in Monitor ERP is all about being able to trace a specific serial number or a batch in each step it is being processed, as of when a part or a material arrives with you from a supplier. Traceability is also about stating what is withdrawn from and what is added to stock, so it is then possible to trace from customer order, via manufacturing order to purchase order. But it is also about being able to trace the other way around; from purchase order via manufacturing order to customer order. is all about being able to trace a specific serial number or a batch in each step it is being processed, as of when a part or a material arrived to you from a supplier. Traceability is also about stating what is withdrawn from and what is added to stock so it afterwards is possible to trace from customer order, via manufacturing order to purchase order. But it is also about being able to trace the other way around; from purchase order via manufacturing order to customer order. You should be able to make such tracking regardless of the level in the process. To make the traceability work, there are also requirements regarding how to label/mark and document in all steps of the process.

The purpose of traceability is in the end to minimize the number of products which must be recalled if a nonconformity should occur. This is done by having a secure and detailed traceability through all levels of the processing.

There are two different levels of traceability in Monitor ERP. This is traceability at batch level and traceability at serial number level.

Terms Explanation
Serial numberClosed A serial number is a number that is used for traceability for parts on entity level. Serial numbers are unique for one (1) entity, for example, a circuit board. If there are 10 circuit boards there are 10 entities with unique serial numbers. An entity (serial number) is unique in Monitor ERP in combination with its part number. This way it is possible to handle when there are two suppliers who have entered the same serial number but for different part numbers. Serial numbers can be used for both purchased and manufactured parts. Serial numbers may have a maximum of 15 characters.
Batch numberClosed A batch number is a number that is used for traceability for a set of or a batch of parts. A purchased material can have a batch number that should be able to be traced back to a certain charge number from a supplier. A batch number is unique for a batch/lot of same things. A batch number can also be the same for multiple entities which have own serial numbers. For example, if the 10 circuit boards are all manufactured at the same time, they might be given a batch number by the supplier which is the same for all 10 circuit boards.
Charge numberClosed A charge number is used to provide traceability. It is the supplier's batch number, or charge number, which is linked to our batch number for a location. A charge number is normally an identification you receive from the supplier for the batch or the lot which was manufactured by the supplier. A charge number can also be entered afterwards for a serial number or a batch number in the Serial number/BatchClosed A batch is the set of components/products manufactured at the same time and made from the same original material. procedure. Please note that a batch number can only have one charge number, but the same charge number can be used on multiple batches.

Activate traceability for parts

In the Part register you can activate traceability for parts by using the setting Traceability. There are three different ways to apply traceability for parts, as described below.

  • Batch – This can be configured both for manufactured and purchased parts. When arrival reporting to location you enter a batch number for the location to which the arrival should be made. Once batch traceability has been activated you can also activate the setting Apply best-before date. It will then become mandatory to select a best-before date when you create the batch, for example at arrival reporting.
  • Serial number – This can be configured both for manufactured and purchased parts. For manufactured parts the serial number is loaded from the number series when the manufacturing order is created. For purchased parts the serial number is entered at the arrival reporting. When arrival reporting to location you add a serial number for the location to where the arrival is made. The arrival reporting is made per entity and location.
  • Serial number (only withdrawal) – This option can only be selected for purchased parts. It is used for material which should be possible to trace and which is included in manufactured parts with the option Serial number set as traceability. The serial number for the included material is created when it is tied to the manufactured part's serial number during the actual reporting. This means that the serial number is not registered to a location in the warehouse/stock, but only in the serial number register.

If there is a part balance when you activate the traceability as Batch or Serial number you will be shown a warning about there being a balance missing a serial number/batch number. This should then be fixed by adding the serial number/batch number to existing locations and balances in the Stock count procedure.
If the part balance is negative then it is not possible to activate traceability. It is also not possible to activate traceability of the Serial number type for a part if the part is included as material in an active manufacturing order.
Parts with traceability must be stock updated. This means that parts of the type Fictitious or Service never are traceable.

Create new locations at arrival

With the system setting Create new location at arrival you determine if new locations should be automatically created during arrival reporting, either for all parts regardless of traceability or only for traceable parts.

When this setting is activated you can use the system setting Name new locations at arrival to choose if the new locations should have no name (empty by default, you can enter a name), eight asterisks (********), or a consecutive number (in the form of *1001*, *1002* etc.).

Random stock location

The setting Random stock location in the Part register determines if the locations created for a part should be a random stock location or not. This means that such a location will be removed from the part if the balance would go down to zero (0) at a withdrawal.

Other stock reporting

The procedures Move stock balance, Stock count, Stock count in list, and Direct stock reporting (called Unplanned stock movements in the previous generation of MONITOR) handle all materials with traceability.

In the procedures Undo arrival reporting, Undo reporting, and Undo delivery reporting traceable parts are handled. A serial number or a batch can for example be deleted if the arrival reporting creating the serial number/batch is undone.