Basic data and settings

Here the basic data which should be registered is described as well as the default settings which should be controlled and possibly modified, before the company starts using Monitor ERP in the daily business. Basic dataClosed With "basic data" we refer to the static records in a database, for example parts, customers, users, work centers, etc. is users, parts, work centers, BOM and routing, customers, suppliers, etc. In addition to this, you need to register basic data in different tables used by other basic data, for example different terms, part codes, prices, etc.

Parts, customers, and suppliers can be imported to Monitor ERP from other ERP systems and spreadsheet applications. For parts which you have imported it is also possible to import balances, locations, and batch numbers. These imports are performed using text files containing information exported from the other ERP system or spreadsheet application.

When it is time to go live you should have registered the most important basic data, so that the staff can start working in Monitor ERP with registering orders etc. As time passes you will add additional basic data of different types.

If the company converts from the previous generation of Monitor most data and settings will be included. However, there is certain basic data which has to be registered again and new settings you have to configure.

We recommend that registration of basic data is done in consultation with instructors/consultants from Monitor ERP System AB. When training in Monitor ERP you will also go through basic data and its settings. Then you can discuss how to apply Monitor ERP in order to obtain the best use of the system.