Cash book

Cash book function is mainly intended for countries in Eastern Europe where there are certain rules regarding the handling of liquid funds and cash in the accounting. In the cash book you register cash withdrawals and deposits. These could include transactions to/from customers, suppliers, employees or banks, etc.

The following is a short summary of the functions included in the cash book management:

  • The system setting Use cash book functionality must be activated. To activate the function you must first configure the system setting Register incoming and outgoing payments in the same procedure/journal.

  • You create a payment method for the cash book in the Bank settings procedure under the Payment method tab. There you also enter in which voucher number series the transactions should be recorded.

  • In the Manage bank transactions procedure you find the Cash reports tab where you register cash reports with start and end date for the report. Here you can also print cash reports which summarizes the transactions become registered in the cash book.

  • In the Manage bank transactions procedure you register transactions in the cash book, using the payment method linked to the cash book.

  • The Cash receipt document, which you can print for each transaction you register in the cash book.

  • In cases where supplier invoices have been paid in cash, you can register the payment of the invoice at the same time as the invoice is final recorded in the Register supplier invoice procedure. This payment will be automatically registered in the cash book.

Before you start using Cash book in Monitor ERP, you are required to configure some settings in the system. See the side menu for more information.