
Interest charge

For the specific customer you can determine how interest should be charged after releasing the interest invoice.

  • Interest invoice – This means that the interest is charged on a separate interest invoice to the customer.
  • Next regular invoice – This means that the interest will be charged as a separate invoice row on the next regular invoice to the customer.
  • No charge – This means that the interest for this invoice should not be charged.

Penalty interest

On the customer it is possible to enter an exception from the general penalty interest in the system. In the field you enter (in percent) the penalty interest which should apply for the customer. The general penalty interest is shown in brackets to the right of the field. This is determined using the system setting Penalty interest, general interest rate.

Days of grace for payment reminder

On the customer it is possible to enter an exception from the general days of grace for payment reminder. The days of grace are always entered in work days. The general days of grace for reminders is shown in brackets to the right of the field. This value is determined by the system setting Days of graceClosed The term days of grace (or grace period) is used at requirements planning in order to calculate rescheduling of actual orders that cover the requirement but that are too late in time, instead of suggesting a new order. for payment reminders.

Account for incoming payments

Here you select an account for the customer that will be used for payments to the customer. If no account for incoming payments to the customer has been selected here, the payments will instead be recorded on the account linked to the payment method selected at the time of the payment.

Exception accounts

Under this button, you can make exceptions for the specific customer from all standard accounts in the chart of accounts. If you have selected exception accounts, you will see a digit within parenthesis on the button. The digit displays the number of selected exception accounts.